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tarjeta digital happy-young-man-sitting-table-office-chatting young-woman-using-her-smartphone-city contacto

What is a Digital Contact Card?

What is a Digital Contact Card?

Traditional paper contact cards are obsolete. Digital contact cards are welcome! These electronic business cards are the future of business and networking.

Long live the digital revolution!

Traditional paper digital contact cards are obsolete. Welcome cards
digital contact! These electronic business cards are the future of business and
network of contacts.

As a business owner, I know how difficult it can be to share contact information quickly and
efficient. With digital contact cards, you can share your contact details with just
click a link or scan a QR code. No more manual card swapping!
They get lost or filed away in a drawer never to be seen again!

Digital contact cards allow you to share your contact information without limits.
You can include your name, title, company, email address, phone numbers,
social networks, website, brand image and even a short presentation video. everything is
available in one place so your contacts can easily access the information.

For entrepreneurs like me, relationships and networking are essential. The cards
Digital contact networks make it much easier to build lasting relationships by facilitating
information exchange. What are you waiting for? Join the digital revolution and start
share your contact information without limits today! Opportunities are waiting for you.

tarjeta digital person-using-smartphone

Advantages of Using a Digital Business Card

Digital cards are the future of business! Leave paper cards behind and join the era

As an entrepreneur, I'm always looking for ways to connect with more potential clients. and expand my network of contacts. Digital cards allow me to share my information Instantly contact hundreds of people at the same time. I simply share the link or unique QR code on my social networks and that's it! Anyone can see my contact details with a single click.

Another big plus is that my digital cards look very professional. I can customize the
design, colors and typography to match my brand. I can also include photos,
videos and even samples of my work. It is a portable mini website that shows the best of
my business!.

Additionally, digital cards are eco-friendly because they do not require paper. They are easy to update
any moment; If I change my address or phone number, I simply update the
information on my digital card and it will be automatically updated for everyone who has seen it.

In short, digital contact cards are the perfect option for entrepreneurs looking to expand their network, increase their visibility and project a professional image. Leave paper behind and join the digital revolution today! Your business will thank you.

How to Create Your Own Attractive Digital Card

Creating your own attractive digital business card is easy and fun! I love designing digital cards. because they are stylish, eco-friendly, and help me network efficiently. 

Here are my steps to making a memorable digital card: First, choose an eye-catching template. There are many free templates online for Canva, Adobe Spark, and other design tools. Choose a bold color scheme and a simple, modern font that reflects your brand. Next, include key contact details. 

Add your name, phone number, email address, website and social media profiles. Use large text to make information easy to view on mobile devices. 

You can also add a QR code that links directly to your contact information. Then, present an attractive photo. A professional headshot works great or choose an image that shows you in your element. 

Just make sure the photo is high quality! Also, highlight your business and services. Explain what you do in 1 or 2 short paragraphs using an energetic and enthusiastic Tone. Mention your company's mission and values to build credibility. 

Also, provide social sharing buttons. Enable one-click sharing on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other networks. Make it easy for people to connect with you across platforms. 

Finally, include a call to action. For example, invite people to schedule a free consultation or join your mailing list. A CTA offers viewers the next step in building a relationship with you.


Customize Your Card With Logos And Images

Customizing your digital business card with logos and images is one of my favorite parts of the design process! Adding images helps strengthen your brand and make a memorable first impression.

As an entrepreneur, your business card is a reflection of you and your company. I always upload my company logo so it appears prominently at the top. This immediately conveys my brand identity to anyone who sees the card. You can also add photos of your products, workspace, or equipment so people can see what you do. Don't be afraid to be creative! You can use icons, illustrations, or even animated GIFs. As long as the additional images are high quality and on-brand, feel free to experiment. 

My goal is for people to get a sense of my fun and quirky personality through bold use of colors and graphics. Once you've chosen your images, play around with different layouts to find the one you like best. I personally prefer a clean, uncluttered layout with plenty of empty space. 

You want important information, such as your name, title, company name, and contact information, to remain prominent. But images are there to draw attention and make your card stand out. When in doubt, keep it simple. A single eye-catching photo or graphic and your essential contact information is really all you need.

 Let your amazing images do the talking! Adding logos and images is all about making a memorable first impression so people want to connect with you. Your digital business card is an opportunity to express your creativity and share what makes your business unique. 

So choose images that authentically reflect your brand's personality. So relax and have fun with it! A personalized card that shows what you're all about will help start conversations and build valuable new connections.


Easily Share Your Digital Card on Social Networks

Sharing your digital business card on social networks is a piece of cake! As an entrepreneur, social media is one of your most powerful tools for networking and growing your business. Your digital business card makes it easy to connect with new contacts across multiple platforms.

With the click of a button, I can share a link to my digital card or QR code on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and more. The link takes friends, colleagues and potential new clients directly to my card, where they can see all my information and connect. No more searching through piles of paper cards or waiting for the person I give a card to to actually keep it! My card is just a tap or scan away for anyone.


On LinkedIn, I share my digital card link in my profile summary, in my posts, and when commenting on discussions. This gives anyone who views my profile an easy way to save my information and contact me. This way, I've connected with several new clients who scanned my QR code from their phone while browsing LinkedIn!

Facebook and Twitter

Short posts on Facebook and Twitter with an image of my QR code or a link to my digital card have also been effective. I include a friendly message inviting people to connect, and many do! The convenience of a one-touch or scan link is hard to beat. These small posts have generated new conversations and even collaborations.


For my email newsletter subscribers, I include an image with my QR code and a link to my digital card in each issue. This way, readers who want to save my information for the future always have an easy way to do so at their fingertips.

Sharing on social media and in my email newsletters has been a key part of building new connections and relationships for my business. My digital business card makes it easy for anyone I interact with to have my information on hand for the future. Try sharing digitally, you will be surprised by the new opportunities that will present themselves!

Add a QR Code to Your Card for More Features

Adding a QR code to your digital business card unlocks many useful features! As an entrepreneur, I'm always looking for ways to make networking and connecting with new contacts as easy as possible. QR codes are the perfect solution.

When someone scans your QR code, it can take them directly to your website, social media profiles, or contact information. No more typing long URLs or searching on different platforms to find yourself. With a quick scan, the information you need is at your fingertips!

You can also use QR codes to share contact information, social media names, or your email signature instantly. At networking events, have people scan your code and your information is automatically saved to their device. No more collecting business cards and manually adding contacts. Talk about a time saver!

QR codes are ideal for promotions or special offers. You can create a code that links directly to an offer, coupon, or contest on your website or social media. Place the code on flyers, advertisements, product packaging, or wherever your target customers see it. The possibilities are endless!

The best part about QR codes is that they are dynamic. You can change where the code goes at any time. Update the link to your latest blog post, product launch, or service offering and everyone who scans your code will get the new information. Staying on top of your marketing has never been easier.

close-up-hands-holding-device tarjeta digital

Tips for Using Your Digital Card Effectively

Using your digital business card effectively is key to getting the most out of this powerful networking tool. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Share your link widely

I make sure to include the link to my digital card in all my email signatures, social media profiles, and anywhere else that allows links. The more people see the link, the more people will click to see your card. Spread it widely!

Interact with your viewers

Once someone has seen your card, start a conversation with them. Send a quick message thanking them for their interest and ask if they have any questions about you or your business. This helps build rapport and connections. People will appreciate your kindness and enthusiasm.

Update regularly

Digital business cards are easy to update, so I make a habit of refreshing the content every few months. I add new achievements, skills, photos, videos or anything else exciting I want to share with my audience. Keeping your card updated will give people a reason to come back and see what's new with you.

Tools to Create Your Digital Business Card

Creating digital business cards for your company is exciting! There are plenty of amazing tools available to help you design an eye-catching card that will make a great first impression on anyone you share it with.

tarjeta digital happy-young-man-sitting-table-office-chatting

AllinCard is the leading platform for creating digital contact cards, designed to revolutionize the way you share your professional and personal information. With an intuitive interface and advanced tools, AllinCard allows you to completely customize your digital card, incorporating everything from basic contact information to links to social networks, videos, and an immersive experience with augmented reality. Our commitment to innovation, security and cutting-edge design makes us the best option for those looking not only for a digital card, but also for a powerful tool to grow their network of contacts and stand out in the digital environment. Choose AllinCard and take your professional presence to a new level with an amazing digital card.

Canva is one of my favorite free design tools. They have tons of customizable digital business card templates that are perfect for any industry. Simply choose a template you like, add your logo, contact information, tagline, and any images you want to include. Canva makes it very easy to change fonts, colors, and layout. Your card will look totally professional in a matter of minutes!

If you're looking for maximum creative control over your design, Adobe Spark is a fantastic option. They provide blank canvases for you to design from scratch. You have access to millions of free photos, graphics and fonts to create something unique. Adobe Spark has a learning curve, but they offer video tutorials to help you get started. The end result will be a personalized card that you can really be proud of.

QR Code Generators

To make your digital card even more interactive, add a QR code! A QR code is a type of barcode that can be scanned with a smartphone camera. Free QR code generators like QR Code Monkey and Kaywa will convert your business URL, contact information, or social media profiles into a QR code that you can add to your card. Anyone who scans it will be connected instantly. Isn't it great?

Most digital card services will provide a link to your finished design that you can share on your website and social media. To make sharing that link easier, run it through a link shortener like Bitly or TinyURL. They'll reduce your link to just a few characters, making it perfect for a digital business card. Share your link everywhere and spread the word about your awesome new card!

Tips for Using Your Digital Card Effectively

Using your digital business card effectively is key to getting the most out of this powerful networking tool. Here are some tips to help you get started.

tarjeta digital old-person-learning-use-technology

Interact with your viewers.

Once someone has seen your card, start a conversation with them. Send a quick message thanking them for their interest and ask if they have any questions about you or your business. This helps build relationships and connections. People will appreciate your kindness and enthusiasm.

Update Regularly

Digital business cards are easy to update, so I make a habit of refreshing the content every few months. I add new achievements, skills, photos, videos or anything else exciting I want to share with my audience. Keeping your card up to date will give people a reason to check back and see what's new with you.

pleased-businessman-sitting tarjeta digital -by-table-cafe-with-laptop-computer-while-using-smartphone

Share on social networks.

In addition to including your digital card link on your social media profiles, share the actual card link in your posts and updates. Explain what the card is and how people can use it to connect with you. Your followers will appreciate learning more about you and your business in an easy and engaging way.

Track views and engagement.

Most digital card services offer analytics that show how many people have viewed your card and how they interact with it. Regularly check these statistics to identify the most popular parts of your card and make changes to optimize engagement. You can also get in direct contact with frequent visitors and start building valuable relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Contact Cards

Digital contact cards are a great tool to connect with new customers and
partners. I love using them to expand my network and grow my business! Here are the questions
most frequently asked me about these fabulous virtual cards.

tarjeta digita handsome-business-man-car-showroom

Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Contact Cards

Digital contact cards are a great tool to connect with new customers and
partners. I love using them to expand my network and grow my business! Here are the questions
most frequently asked me about these fabulous virtual cards.

How do digital contact cards work?

Digital contact cards are basically your contact information in a digital format
instead of on paper. They contain your contact information such as name, company, telephone number and
Email address. What makes them unique is that they can be easily shared
through a web link or QR code. Simply share the link or scan the QR code and
The card's contact information appears instantly on the recipient's device!

Why should you use digital contact cards?

Digital contact cards offer some key advantages over paper cards

• They are ecological because they do not require physical materials.

• They are easy to update. Simply update the online information and link or code
QR will update automatically.

• They can be easily customized with your logo, brand colors and more.

• Can be shared immediately via social networks, email, messages
text, etc.

• They are free! Many providers offer free digital card templates.

Where can I get digital contact cards?

There are many websites where you can create your own free digital contact cards, such as
Digital contact cards, Moo and About.me. These sites allow you to choose from hundreds of
attractive templates, personalize the card with your logo and contact information and then
generate a link or QR code to share. Some also offer the option to pay by
Premium digital cards with more features.


As you can see, digital business cards are the future and offer many benefits for entrepreneurs and small business owners! If you're ready to take your networking to the next level, invest in stylish but affordable digital cards. You'll be able to instantly share your contact details with anyone, anywhere, and build new and valuable connections. I'm excited to get my new digital cards and start spreading the word about my business widely! The opportunities are endless! What are you waiting for? Join me and go digital today. Your business will thank you.

As you can see, in terms of design, functionality and format, allincard digital web cards present great advantages for sharing your contact links and creating quality networks.

We recommend that you 100% opt for allincard digital cards to project a professional image with a complete online presentation, compared to a page with links.

Tell us your choice in the comments. We hope this comparison helps you decide the best way to share your information and that of your business!

If you want to see the plans that allincard has, go to the ↓ button


tarjeta digital happy-young-man-sitting-table-office-chatting young-woman-using-her-smartphone-city contacto

What is a Digital Contact Card?

What is a Digital Contact Card?

Traditional paper contact cards are obsolete. Digital contact cards are welcome! These electronic business cards are the future of business and networking.

Long live the digital revolution!

Traditional paper digital contact cards are obsolete. Welcome cards
digital contact! These electronic business cards are the future of business and
network of contacts.

As a business owner, I know how difficult it can be to share contact information quickly and
efficient. With digital contact cards, you can share your contact details with just
click a link or scan a QR code. No more manual card swapping!
They get lost or filed away in a drawer never to be seen again!

Digital contact cards allow you to share your contact information without limits.
You can include your name, title, company, email address, phone numbers,
social networks, website, brand image and even a short presentation video. everything is
available in one place so your contacts can easily access the information.

For entrepreneurs like me, relationships and networking are essential. The cards
Digital contact networks make it much easier to build lasting relationships by facilitating
information exchange. What are you waiting for? Join the digital revolution and start
share your contact information without limits today! Opportunities are waiting for you.

tarjeta digital person-using-smartphone

Advantages of Using a Digital Business Card

Digital cards are the future of business! Leave paper cards behind and join the era

As an entrepreneur, I'm always looking for ways to connect with more potential clients. and expand my network of contacts. Digital cards allow me to share my information Instantly contact hundreds of people at the same time. I simply share the link or unique QR code on my social networks and that's it! Anyone can see my contact details with a single click.

Another big plus is that my digital cards look very professional. I can customize the
design, colors and typography to match my brand. I can also include photos,
videos and even samples of my work. It is a portable mini website that shows the best of
my business!.

Additionally, digital cards are eco-friendly because they do not require paper. They are easy to update
any moment; If I change my address or phone number, I simply update the
information on my digital card and it will be automatically updated for everyone who has seen it.

In short, digital contact cards are the perfect option for entrepreneurs looking to expand their network, increase their visibility and project a professional image. Leave paper behind and join the digital revolution today! Your business will thank you.

How to Create Your Own Attractive Digital Card

Creating your own attractive digital business card is easy and fun! I love designing digital cards. because they are stylish, eco-friendly, and help me network efficiently. 

Here are my steps to making a memorable digital card: First, choose an eye-catching template. There are many free templates online for Canva, Adobe Spark, and other design tools. Choose a bold color scheme and a simple, modern font that reflects your brand. Next, include key contact details. 

Add your name, phone number, email address, website and social media profiles. Use large text to make information easy to view on mobile devices. 

You can also add a QR code that links directly to your contact information. Then, present an attractive photo. A professional headshot works great or choose an image that shows you in your element. 

Just make sure the photo is high quality! Also, highlight your business and services. Explain what you do in 1 or 2 short paragraphs using an energetic and enthusiastic Tone. Mention your company's mission and values to build credibility. 

Also, provide social sharing buttons. Enable one-click sharing on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other networks. Make it easy for people to connect with you across platforms. 

Finally, include a call to action. For example, invite people to schedule a free consultation or join your mailing list. A CTA offers viewers the next step in building a relationship with you.


Customize Your Card With Logos And Images

Customizing your digital business card with logos and images is one of my favorite parts of the design process! Adding images helps strengthen your brand and make a memorable first impression.

As an entrepreneur, your business card is a reflection of you and your company. I always upload my company logo so it appears prominently at the top. This immediately conveys my brand identity to anyone who sees the card. You can also add photos of your products, workspace, or equipment so people can see what you do. Don't be afraid to be creative! You can use icons, illustrations, or even animated GIFs. As long as the additional images are high quality and on-brand, feel free to experiment. 

My goal is for people to get a sense of my fun and quirky personality through bold use of colors and graphics. Once you've chosen your images, play around with different layouts to find the one you like best. I personally prefer a clean, uncluttered layout with plenty of empty space. 

You want important information, such as your name, title, company name, and contact information, to remain prominent. But images are there to draw attention and make your card stand out. When in doubt, keep it simple. A single eye-catching photo or graphic and your essential contact information is really all you need.

 Let your amazing images do the talking! Adding logos and images is all about making a memorable first impression so people want to connect with you. Your digital business card is an opportunity to express your creativity and share what makes your business unique. 

So choose images that authentically reflect your brand's personality. So relax and have fun with it! A personalized card that shows what you're all about will help start conversations and build valuable new connections.


Easily Share Your Digital Card on Social Networks

Sharing your digital business card on social networks is a piece of cake! As an entrepreneur, social media is one of your most powerful tools for networking and growing your business. Your digital business card makes it easy to connect with new contacts across multiple platforms.

With the click of a button, I can share a link to my digital card or QR code on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and more. The link takes friends, colleagues and potential new clients directly to my card, where they can see all my information and connect. No more searching through piles of paper cards or waiting for the person I give a card to to actually keep it! My card is just a tap or scan away for anyone.


On LinkedIn, I share my digital card link in my profile summary, in my posts, and when commenting on discussions. This gives anyone who views my profile an easy way to save my information and contact me. This way, I've connected with several new clients who scanned my QR code from their phone while browsing LinkedIn!

Facebook and Twitter

Short posts on Facebook and Twitter with an image of my QR code or a link to my digital card have also been effective. I include a friendly message inviting people to connect, and many do! The convenience of a one-touch or scan link is hard to beat. These small posts have generated new conversations and even collaborations.


For my email newsletter subscribers, I include an image with my QR code and a link to my digital card in each issue. This way, readers who want to save my information for the future always have an easy way to do so at their fingertips.

Sharing on social media and in my email newsletters has been a key part of building new connections and relationships for my business. My digital business card makes it easy for anyone I interact with to have my information on hand for the future. Try sharing digitally, you will be surprised by the new opportunities that will present themselves!

Add a QR Code to Your Card for More Features

Adding a QR code to your digital business card unlocks many useful features! As an entrepreneur, I'm always looking for ways to make networking and connecting with new contacts as easy as possible. QR codes are the perfect solution.

When someone scans your QR code, it can take them directly to your website, social media profiles, or contact information. No more typing long URLs or searching on different platforms to find yourself. With a quick scan, the information you need is at your fingertips!

You can also use QR codes to share contact information, social media names, or your email signature instantly. At networking events, have people scan your code and your information is automatically saved to their device. No more collecting business cards and manually adding contacts. Talk about a time saver!

QR codes are ideal for promotions or special offers. You can create a code that links directly to an offer, coupon, or contest on your website or social media. Place the code on flyers, advertisements, product packaging, or wherever your target customers see it. The possibilities are endless!

The best part about QR codes is that they are dynamic. You can change where the code goes at any time. Update the link to your latest blog post, product launch, or service offering and everyone who scans your code will get the new information. Staying on top of your marketing has never been easier.

close-up-hands-holding-device tarjeta digital

Tips for Using Your Digital Card Effectively

Using your digital business card effectively is key to getting the most out of this powerful networking tool. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Share your link widely

I make sure to include the link to my digital card in all my email signatures, social media profiles, and anywhere else that allows links. The more people see the link, the more people will click to see your card. Spread it widely!

Interact with your viewers

Once someone has seen your card, start a conversation with them. Send a quick message thanking them for their interest and ask if they have any questions about you or your business. This helps build rapport and connections. People will appreciate your kindness and enthusiasm.

Update regularly

Digital business cards are easy to update, so I make a habit of refreshing the content every few months. I add new achievements, skills, photos, videos or anything else exciting I want to share with my audience. Keeping your card updated will give people a reason to come back and see what's new with you.

Tools to Create Your Digital Business Card

Creating digital business cards for your company is exciting! There are plenty of amazing tools available to help you design an eye-catching card that will make a great first impression on anyone you share it with.

tarjeta digital happy-young-man-sitting-table-office-chatting

Canva is one of my favorite free design tools. They have tons of customizable digital business card templates that are perfect for any industry. Simply choose a template you like, add your logo, contact information, tagline, and any images you want to include. Canva makes it very easy to change fonts, colors, and layout. Your card will look totally professional in a matter of minutes!

Adobe Spark

If you're looking for maximum creative control over your design, Adobe Spark is a fantastic option. They provide blank canvases for you to design from scratch. You have access to millions of free photos, graphics and fonts to create something unique. Adobe Spark has a learning curve, but they offer video tutorials to help you get started. The end result will be a personalized card that you can really be proud of.

QR Code Generators

To make your digital card even more interactive, add a QR code! A QR code is a type of barcode that can be scanned with a smartphone camera. Free QR code generators like QR Code Monkey and Kaywa will convert your business URL, contact information, or social media profiles into a QR code that you can add to your card. Anyone who scans it will be connected instantly. Isn't it great?

Link shorteners

Most digital card services will provide a link to your finished design that you can share on your website and social media. To make sharing that link easier, run it through a link shortener like Bitly or TinyURL. They'll reduce your link to just a few characters, making it perfect for a digital business card. Share your link everywhere and spread the word about your awesome new card!

Tips for Using Your Digital Card Effectively

Using your digital business card effectively is key to getting the most out of this powerful networking tool. Here are some tips to help you get started.

tarjeta digital old-person-learning-use-technology

Share your Link Widely

I make sure to include the link to my digital card in all my email signatures, social media profiles, and anywhere else that allows links. The more people see the link, the more people will click to see your card. Spread it widely!

Interact with your viewers.

Once someone has seen your card, start a conversation with them. Send a quick message thanking them for their interest and ask if they have any questions about you or your business. This helps build relationships and connections. People will appreciate your kindness and enthusiasm.

Update Regularly

Digital business cards are easy to update, so I make a habit of refreshing the content every few months. I add new achievements, skills, photos, videos or anything else exciting I want to share with my audience. Keeping your card up to date will give people a reason to check back and see what's new with you.

pleased-businessman-sitting tarjeta digital -by-table-cafe-with-laptop-computer-while-using-smartphone

Share on social networks.

In addition to including your digital card link on your social media profiles, share the actual card link in your posts and updates. Explain what the card is and how people can use it to connect with you. Your followers will appreciate learning more about you and your business in an easy and engaging way.

Track views and engagement.

Most digital card services offer analytics that show how many people have viewed your card and how they interact with it. Regularly check these statistics to identify the most popular parts of your card and make changes to optimize engagement. You can also get in direct contact with frequent visitors and start building valuable relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Contact Cards

Digital contact cards are a great tool to connect with new customers and
partners. I love using them to expand my network and grow my business! Here are the questions
most frequently asked me about these fabulous virtual cards.

tarjeta digita handsome-business-man-car-showroom

Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Contact Cards

Digital contact cards are a great tool to connect with new customers and
partners. I love using them to expand my network and grow my business! Here are the questions
most frequently asked me about these fabulous virtual cards.

How do digital contact cards work?

Digital contact cards are basically your contact information in a digital format
instead of on paper. They contain your contact information such as name, company, telephone number and
Email address. What makes them unique is that they can be easily shared
through a web link or QR code. Simply share the link or scan the QR code and
The card's contact information appears instantly on the recipient's device!

Why should you use digital contact cards?

Digital contact cards offer some key advantages over paper cards

• They are ecological because they do not require physical materials.

• They are easy to update. Simply update the online information and link or code
QR will update automatically.

• They can be easily customized with your logo, brand colors and more.

• Can be shared immediately via social networks, email, messages
text, etc.

• They are free! Many providers offer free digital card templates.

Where can I get digital contact cards?

There are many websites where you can create your own free digital contact cards, such as
Digital contact cards, Moo and About.me. These sites allow you to choose from hundreds of
attractive templates, personalize the card with your logo and contact information and then
generate a link or QR code to share. Some also offer the option to pay by
Premium digital cards with more features.


As you can see, digital business cards are the future and offer many benefits for entrepreneurs and small business owners! If you're ready to take your networking to the next level, invest in stylish but affordable digital cards. You'll be able to instantly share your contact details with anyone, anywhere, and build new and valuable connections. I'm excited to get my new digital cards and start spreading the word about my business widely! The opportunities are endless! What are you waiting for? Join me and go digital today. Your business will thank you.

As you can see, in terms of design, functionality and format, allincard digital web cards present great advantages for sharing your contact links and creating quality networks.

We recommend that you 100% opt for allincard digital cards to project a professional image with a complete online presentation, compared to a page with links.

Tell us your choice in the comments. We hope this comparison helps you decide the best way to share your information and that of your business!

If you want to see the plans that allincard has, go to the ↓ button


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⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠
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⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠

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Download the contact of one of our advisors

Jeimy Pinto | Florimar Gonzalez
Valencia Edo. Carabobo
Beauty sublogo marca de agua
⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠
⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠
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⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠


BOTONES QR-Natalia-morales
⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠


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⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠

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⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠

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⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠
snow boarding en la montaña jose stauder imagenes para su tarjeta digital allincard 1



⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠
FONDO-ID-all-in-corp-tarjeta-digital-de-contacto-empresas-(2) (1)



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Contact information

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Contact information

⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠


Contact information

⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠


Contact information

Codigo QR ZIBA
⚠ Scan the QR to view or download the contact to your device ⚠
He desarrollado un formato único de Númerología Integral donde concentro todos mis conocimientos y experiencia




  • BOTONES-NUEVOS-luz-web




  • Codigo QR ZIBA

A digital card is the electronic version of the traditional business card.

Unlike the paper card, the digital card is shared quickly and easily through different digital platforms such as email, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, among others.